Our Vision & Mission


Sunday - 11:30AM Worship Service (In person/Virtual) | Bible Studies- Thursday - 7PM (Virtual)

Our Vision

Is to build ministry in God's people by...

Evangelizing and Training Disciples

It is our aim and purpose to bring the Kingdom of God to new converts and to equip them as well as mature believers in the faith by teaching sound doctrine and instructing them in holy and upright living. We also will take the responsibility to prepare every believer to carry out their God given purpose, which at the core is discipleship and providing Godly counsel on walking in what God has destined them to be.

Based on Matthew 28:19-20

Loving God & Loving people

Divine Destiny & Deliverance Ministries is based on the love of Jesus Christ and we love Him because He first loved us. We have an obligation to love one another with agape (unconditional) love. We believe, as it is said in the scriptures, that "Love covers a multitude of sin, and perfect love casts out all fear." We are about serving and helping our fellow neighbor. It is by serving that we can show the love of God, by doing this we affirm our love of God.
Based o
n Matthew 27:37-39

Taking care of those in need

We believe in helping those that are less fortunate than we are and as long as we continue to live in the earth there will always be those that are in need. The blessings and resources that God has given us are not just for us and our families, but to share and do our best to help someone that is in need of it. By taking the time to show our love, people take notice and that in turn allows opportunities for them to experience the unconditional love of Jesus Christ and His church.
Based on
 Matthew 25:34-40


We as believers are part of a family, and families come together. By assembling together we gain strength from one another to carry on with our daily lives making sure to live holy and Godly and carry out our assignment. We would never encourage anyone to not be in fellowship with a church as we do not believe in lone rangers. Together we can accomplish more than we can apart. As it says in Psalms, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity!" Come! Join us and be a part of the Divine Destiny & Deliverance Ministries Family! We would love to have you.

Based on Hebrews 10:24-25


Our job at Divine Destiny & Deliverance Ministries is to point you to God and not to us. We are about serving the people, not lording over them with ridiculous tradition and legalistic expectations. We want you to be free in Jesus Christ learning what He expects of you and not what man expects. Our aim is to be an example of how to serve and teach people about serving. That simply means we put the needs of our brothers and sisters before ourselves and by doing this develop a culture of service that people will be able to adopt and carry out in their lives.

Based on Mark 9:35

Our Mission

The mission of Divine Destiny & Deliverance Ministries is to enable, equip, and disciple God's people, helping them to reach their destiny in Jesus Christ by teaching, mentoring, and encouraging them to lead godly lives and be godly examples in today's world.

Statement of Faith

We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God the Father. We believe in his sinless life, in his miracles, in his atoning death, in his bodily resurrection, in his ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and in his future return in power and glory.

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